I’m Fraser Goldsworth, an oceanographer working at the Max Planck Institute in Deutschland. This is my academic website, and here you’ll find information about my research interests, publications, CV, and contact details.

Research interests

My research interests span almost the entire breadth of physical oceanography. I’m currently a postodoctoral researcher working on the EERIE project, where I’m investigating the effect of mesoscale eddies and fine-scale boundary currents on climate. I’m particularly interested in questions relating to AMOC stability, and the oceanic fate of anthropogenic heat and carbon.

Prior to this I completed a PhD on the role of symmetric instability in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and used both numerical models and theory to probe the interactions between symmetric instability and various western boundary current systems in the Atlantic. My thesis contains chapters on the North Brazil Current, the deep western boundary current as it crosses the equator and the high latitude East Greenland Current.

As well as my purely scientific work, I’m very passionate about open-science, open-source software, and EDI issues.


Outside the realm of academia, I’m a keen sailor. I’ve raced boats ranging from 12 ft to 40 ft in length and can often be found out on the water.